Sheila J. Steger
MA, CDir, (she·her·hers)
Edmonton, Alberta
Holiday Recipe: Stuffed Dates Appetizer (aka “Yes, I am chef” stuffed dates)
This is a recipe created by my youngest sister, Maggie Adams, a fabulous and way more creative chef than I am! Not only do these dates taste uh-mazing, but they are also full of fiber while providing a delectable sweet-savory flavor that makes anyone look like a great chef. And like all the best family recipes, the measurements are vague and left to your judgment. Enjoy!
- Medjool dates, pitted
- Goat cheese
- Heavy cream
- Pistachios, crushed
- Honey
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Put a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet.
- Slice the number of dates you want to prepare along the top (or long edge); gently squeeze the date open to make a “pocket” for the goat cheese filling.
- Whip the goat cheese with enough heavy cream to make the goat cheese soft and creamy but not runny.
- Fill each date with the goat cheese so that the date is plumped out a little and the goat cheese is fairly level with the surface of the date (unless you really like goat cheese, and then add more!).
- Roll the goat cheese section of each date in the crushed pistachios and place on the baking sheet (goat cheese side up/date side down).
- Once all the dates are prepared on the baking sheet, put the baking sheet in the oven and bake at 325 degrees for 10-12 minutes, just until the pistachios are toasted. Watch these closely, as you don’t want the pistachios to burn!
- Finish by lightly drizzling honey across the warm dates and enjoy! For a neat twist, use hot honey instead of regular.