Sheila J. Steger

Sheila J. Steger

MA, CDir, (she·her·hers)

Edmonton, Alberta

Holiday Recipe: Stuffed Dates Appetizer (aka “Yes, I am chef” stuffed dates)

This is a recipe created by my youngest sister, Maggie Adams, a fabulous and way more creative chef than I am! Not only do these dates taste uh-mazing, but they are also full of fiber while providing a delectable sweet-savory flavor that makes anyone look like a great chef. And like all the best family recipes, the measurements are vague and left to your judgment. Enjoy!



  • Medjool dates, pitted
  • Goat cheese
  • Heavy cream
  • Pistachios, crushed
  • Honey



  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Put a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet.
  3. Slice the number of dates you want to prepare along the top (or long edge); gently squeeze the date open to make a “pocket” for the goat cheese filling.
  4. Whip the goat cheese with enough heavy cream to make the goat cheese soft and creamy but not runny.
  5. Fill each date with the goat cheese so that the date is plumped out a little and the goat cheese is fairly level with the surface of the date (unless you really like goat cheese, and then add more!).
  6. Roll the goat cheese section of each date in the crushed pistachios and place on the baking sheet (goat cheese side up/date side down).
  7. Once all the dates are prepared on the baking sheet, put the baking sheet in the oven and bake at 325 degrees for 10-12 minutes, just until the pistachios are toasted. Watch these closely, as you don’t want the pistachios to burn!
  8. Finish by lightly drizzling honey across the warm dates and enjoy! For a neat twist, use hot honey instead of regular.